Nick Young’s Tattoo Aftercare Instructions:
1. Remove the clear plastic wrap after 1-2 hours.
2. Wash the tattoo with lukewarm water and mild soap. Rinse with cold water.
3. Allow the tattoo to air dry. Do not pat or wipe dry.
4. Apply an ice pack for 15-20 minutes.
5. After the skin is dry to the touch, apply a LIGHT layer of Aquaphor
6. The following morning, wash and rinse again. Apply some unscented lotion over the tattoo. I recommend Aquaphor.
7. Wash & moisturize your tattoo 3 to 5 times a day. Keeping it clean and hydrated will help it heal much faster and with better results.
8. Keep your new tattoo out of lakes, ponds, direct sunlight & tanning beds.
9. Allow any scabbing to fall off by themselves instead of scratching.
10. If at any time you experience heat radiating from your new tattoo, severe redness immediately surrounding the tattoo, begin to experience flu like symptoms or any level of pain that you typically do not experience during the tattooing or healing process, PLEASE seek the guidance from your general practitioner or emergency medical care.
Over the last 15 years of my tattoo career, I have seen every gimmick on the market that is supposed to help numb the pain from your tattoo.
It all ended up being TRASH. Being one of the people who just HATE the feeling of that needle tattooing my skin, I knew I had to find a way to numb the pain.
SO I DEVELOPED ONE. YEAH. REALLY. Click the link if you'd like to hear more about it. But don't wait TOO long, its selling faster than I could've even imagined!
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